Our Local Governing Board
Below you will find information regarding the Governing Board of Old Mill. This was updated in September 2023, following our AGM.

Chair of Governors: Charlotte Smith 

Clerk to the Governor: Jacqueline Walker

Link Trustee: Andrew Warneken 

Name: Charlie Smith

Governor Role:  History and Geography / SEND / French

Committees:  Pay committee

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: October 2022 - October 2026

Job Title: Teacher

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

After studying Maths and Psychology at Durham University, I completed my teacher training at Leicester University in 2015. I worked for five years as a class teacher in a Primary school and now work part-time for a company who provides tailored education for children who are unable to access mainstream education. During my teaching career, I have been subject leader for maths and for Modern Foreign Languages, as well as being a mentor to student teachers on placement.


I live in Broughton Astley and have two young children, the oldest of which is now at Old Mill. I believe my passion for education, alongside my professional skill set, will contribute to ensuring I serve the school community effectively.

Name: Linda Teague

Governor Role: Vice Chair / RE / Forest Schools / PSHE 
Committees: Pay / Head Teacher Appraisal 
Type of Office: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: September 2023 September 2027
Job Title: Retired 
Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:
I became a governor at Old Mill Primary in September 2019, having previously been a governor in schools in which I have worked. 

My background is in education, having worked in senior management and head roles in this and a neighbouring county. I currently sit as a non-lay member on School Admission Appeals Panels and School Exclusion Appeals Panels held in the West Midlands region. 

My experiences mean I am able to make a valuable contribution to education within the community I have lived in for over twenty-five years. I am able to use my knowledge, perspectives and insights into decision-making in the interests of the school community.  

Name: Alison Smith-Stewart

Governor Role: Head Teacher
Committees: Management / Teaching and Learning 
Type of Office: Ex-officio
Term of Office: 01.09.2012 – present day
Job Title: Head Teacher
Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:
I am the Head Teacher of Old Mill Primary School, where I have worked since September 2012. In November 2015, I became a co-head with my Deputy, following the birth of my first child. but I am now back as sole Head Teacher.

Prior to becoming a Head, I was a Deputy Head at a larger than average primary school and an Assistant Head, placed in a school by the LA to support that school in challenging circumstances. In my teaching and leadership career, I have also been Literacy Leader, Assessment Leader, History Leader and a Residential Leader.

Prior to teaching I completed a law degree, so as a Governor I have legal, educational and management experience to add to the Governing body.

Name:    Zoe Bodman

Governor Role:   Sports Premium Governor 
Committees:    Management / Teaching and Learning
Type of Office:    Staff Governor
Term of Office:   
Job Title:    EYFS Lead / Teacher
Pecuniary Interest:    None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:
I have worked in primary education for the past 18years and have been a teacher at Old Mill Primary School since August 2016 leading the Early Year’s Department. I live in Broughton Astley and all three of my children have attended Old Mill.   

Throughout my leadership role in education I have been an effective and committed team worker. My enthusiasm, resilience and perseverance mean I am always learning and setting myself targets to improve and develop. I am hardworking and have highly effective time management skills which enable me to achieve above and beyond expectations.  
Consequently, I feel passionately about the development of the school and take a great deal of pride in my role as staff governor.
In my free time, I enjoy keeping fit by running and going to the gym and spending time with my family.

Name: Samuel Scott

Governor Role:  Health and Safety / Finance / Maths and Computing / Wellbeing /

Committees:  Pay / Head Teacher Appraisal

Type of Office: Co-opted, Community Governor

Term of Office: April 2021 - April 2025

Job Title: Accountant

Pecuniary Interest: ACMA, CGMA 

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I’m a Chartered Management Accountant, working at a FTSE 100 company. Most of my career has been spent in Asia. I specialise in performance management, which is a continuous process of driving performance improvements in line with strategic objectives. Effective performance management utilises the following skills: stakeholder engagement, project management, strategic planning and target setting, performance measurement and tracking, risk management, data visualisation.


I moved to Leicestershire with my wife and two daughters in 2021, and decided to become a school governor to help contribute to the local community using my transferrable professional skills. As governors it is our role to ensure strategic oversight and challenge; it’s very rewarding and I would highly recommend to others!

Name: Michelle Olorunnipa

Governor Role: English / Learning and Development (Governors) / Music / Science

Committees: Pay Committee

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: October 2022 - October 2026

Job Title: Consultant Paediatrician

Pecuniary Interest: Nil

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

As part of my role as a Paediatrician, I not only look after the health of children and young people but advocate an integrated approach to their welfare. This includes access to good education. I am committed to ensuring high standards of provision in all areas within the school’s remit to enable each pupil to achieve the best outcome.

My experience in team leading, clinical governance, risk and collaborative working across professions will be invaluable to this. My professional role demands accountability and transparency as part of a duty of candour which is in line with the values held by the governing body. I have a keen eye for detail and a devotion to quality and will work with the School to strive for excellence.

Name: Carly McBride

Governor Role:  Safeguarding / Pupil Premium / Art and Design / Early Years

Committees: Head Teacher Appraisal

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: October 2022 - October 2026

Job Title: Solicitor

Pecuniary Interest: Partner at R. P. Robinson Solicitors, Leicester 

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I am a solicitor specialising in child protection work.

I am a member of the law society children panel and the vast majority of my work centres around child protection and safeguarding procedures. 

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