
English Leader: Sophie Foster 

Reading at Old Mill

At Old Mill, Reading is at the centre of our curriculum. We want children to become life-long readers, who read for pleasure and read to learn. Furthermore, we believe that Reading unlocks imagination, inspires creativity and opens children to new worlds of possibility.

Research shows that Reading is crucial to academic success and personal growth and therefore Reading is at the heart of everything that we do.

‘The more you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ Dr Seuss.

Writing at Old Mill

At Old Mill, we want to equip children with the skills to communicate their thoughts, feelings and musings through fluent writing. We believe that effective writing gives children a voice to share their ideas and opinions with the world. Writing provides children with transferrable skills: not just across the curriculum (an imaginative writer can become an excellent scientist) but also for life (even in this technological age, writing remains a crucial means of communication).

We want children to have an understanding that writing has a real life purpose and therefore we provide them with inspiring stimuli, powerful examples from influential authors and opportunities to share and take pride in their own compositions. Just like a musician composes a symphony, an artist creates a portrait and a gymnast practises and perfects a routine, we want children to become writers who see their end product as a work of art.


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